VF-213 'Blacklions' return from last
Tomcat detachment at Fallon
by Lt. Jg. Meagan Varley, PAO VF-213
The "Fighting Blacklions" of Fighter Squadron 213 have returned from NAS Fallon, Nev., where they participated in Air Wing Fallon with the other components of Carrier Air Wing 8. From May 1-27, the Blacklions and the other members of CVW-8 trained in the numerous bombing ranges of Fallon, sharpening their skills and proficiency as air-to-air interceptors and air-to-ground bombers. During the four long weeks, both the air crews and maintainers worked hard, flying 229 sorties and logging 370.2 hours.
The focus of the Blacklions' training was to prepare for their upcoming deployment schedule for this fall, and to learn how the air wing will work together on large missions. Every hour of flight time was prefaced with eight hours of air crew mission planning. Most events flown involved more than 20 aircraft from within the wing working to meet one objective. During these flights the Blacklions were able to complete both Strike Fighter Weapons Training events for individual air crew along with larger scale air wing events. The culmination of training included a three-day mock war to simulate the types of events the air wing could possibly participate in while overseas.
Despite two weeks of foul weather and long hours the Blacklion maintainers worked hard to keep the jets flying and armed with ordnance. Their dedication kept the jets running at peak performance and enabled the Blacklions to complete every mission they were tasked with. In doing so, VF-213 air crew dropped more than 25 tons of ordnance. Throughout the course of the detachment, nine live laser guided bombs end one live Joint Direct Attack Munition weapon were expended. This invaluable training was an overwhelming success due to the hard work end long hours of the VF-213 maintainers and ground support. VF-213 will contents to rely on the focus of their air crew and the dedication of its troops on their upcoming training aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt [CVN 71] to complete Composite Training Unit Exercise.
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