Boeing says “incomplete and possibly flawed data” was used in Danish fighter evaluation

A Boeing official told a Danish parliamentary committee on May 19 that the Danish government had used “incomplete and possibly flawed data” to conclude that the Super Hornet was more expensive to operate than the F-35.

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For example, the Danish Ministry of Defense assumed the Super Hornet would have a service life of 6,000 flying hours while Boeing thinks the correct figure is around 9,500 hours, said Boeing vice president Debbie Rub.

One thought on “Boeing says “incomplete and possibly flawed data” was used in Danish fighter evaluation

  1. The danish “experts Also got wrong the hourly operating costs the SH is about 15k per hour while the f-35 is at 56k per hour. Availability for the SH is 3-4 after each sotie , f-35 is 10 hrs if Alis says it can go(ho ho) The 6000 was based on carrier based operation. That is HARD HARD landings. If you take to airport takeoff and landing it easily surpasses 9000. The airframe is so rugged some even go to 12000 hrs .Operating radius numbers were without the new conformal tanks. Lethality the SH can carry more ordinance than F-35. It can also operate a 8g turns wheas f-35 is restricted to +/- 5g. The Sh can take off on any highway wheras the f-35 needs to be connect to ALIS .

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