Shenyang told to rush development of J-15S so that Xi can do the GWB swagger on Liaoning too

Chinese fighter manufacturer Shenyang has been ordered by the People’s Liberation Army to quickly complete the development of its tandem-seat J-15S carrier-borne fighter in order to have President Xi Jinping trap on board carrier Liaoning.

George W Bush on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln
By U.S. Navy photo by Photographer’s Mate 3rd Class Tyler J. Clements. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The J-15 is so far the only fixed-wing aircraft capable of landing aboard the Liaoning and a twin-seater has been in development for sometime.

Xi wants to emulate what former U.S. President George W Bush did in 2003 when he landed on USS Abraham Lincoln and declared “Mission Accomplished” for the war in Iraq. Xi wants to give a speech on Liaoning as well, declaring that Beijing has full control of the South China Sea.