Taiwan investigates former Vice Defense Minister Chang Che-ping for espionage

Former commander of the Republic of China Air Force and former Vice Defense Minister Chang Che-ping is under investigation for espionage, Mirror Media reports.

Air Force (ROCAF) General Chang Che-ping 空軍司令張哲平上將
中文(繁體): 國防部空軍司令部(air.mnd.gov.tw)English: Air Force Command Headquarters, Ministry of National Defense (air.mnd.gov.tw), Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons

The article says Chang had meet an intelligence agent from China back when he was head of Air Force Combatant Command. The agent named Xie had slipped into Taiwan as a businessman from Hong Kong and met Chang at a restaurant near Xindian District Office metro station. Xie was observed to have handed over a package to Chang.

Xie also arrange for Chang’s wife for a holiday trip to Hong Kong.

Chang was said to be in the run for the post of chief of the general staff. But this incident costs him the post and he was sent to the National Defense University as president this month.

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