Thursday, January 21, 2010
Eurocopter sends 3 EC145s to American for evaluation
Three EC145 helicopters will be dispatched to the United States by Eurocopter for its bid in the U.S. Army armed reconnaissance helicopter competition.
Three different configurations of the twin-engined aircraft will be build, Defense News reports.
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Friday, January 23, 2009
Eurocopter will offer UH-72A for ARH
EADS North America is prepared to offer the armed version of the UH-72A for the U.S. Army's Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter competition.
The company believes the Lakota will offer advantages in logistics and fleet commonality to the U.S. Army.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Kiowa Extension Plan Pending ARH Decision
The U.S. Army is still negotiating with Bell over the cancellation of the ARH helicopter.
The plan to extend the life of the OH-58 is on hold as well till the situation on the new ARH becomes clearer.
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Friday, January 09, 2009
Boeing offers Apache 'Lite' for ARH
Boeing is preparing two options for the U.S. Army's trouble ARH program, a stretched version of the AH-6 and a "scout-optimized" AH-64.
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Friday, November 21, 2008
Geren : U.S. Army learned important lessons from ARH
The failed ARH-70 program is "a case study in how things can go wrong", U.S. Army Secretary Pete Geren said.
"There were lessons learned for industry and government," Geren told Reuters.
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Sunday, November 02, 2008
New ARH program to launch by Dec. 1
In the next four weeks, the U.S. Army's Training and Doctrine Command is expected to complete a document that will set the tone on how to proceed with the new Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program.
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Thursday, October 30, 2008
Bell laying off 500 workers
After losing the ARH-70A helicopter contract, Bell has decided to lay off 500 workers.
"With the loss of the ARH-70A program, we must make changes in our staffing and structure to reduce costs and ensure that our products remain competitive," said Richard Millman, president and CEO of Bell Helicopter.
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Sunday, October 19, 2008
One year to re-compete ARH
The U.S. Army's Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (ARH) program will take at least one year to re-stage again.
Army sources told The Hill that the winner most likely can only start work in 2010.
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Saturday, October 18, 2008
U.S. Army wants to start new competition for ARH
The U.S. Army plans to quickly stage a new competition to replace the just canceled Bell ARH-70.
Lt. Gen. James Thurman, the army's director of operations, said on Friday he planned to seek the necessary program "revalidation" from the joint staff by January, a signoff that would usher in new bidding.
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Friday, October 17, 2008
ARH canceled
Chief Pentagon weapons buyer John Young said on Thursday the Bell ARH-70 Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter will be scrapped.
This was the Pentagon's first cancellation under the Nunn-McCurdy law in several years.
Young said it would be better for the Army to start from scratch rather than continue with the program which has seen the cost of each aircraft soared nearly 70 percent to $14.5 million.
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Thursday, October 09, 2008
Army reviewing alternatives to ARH
While waiting for an impending Pentagon decision on the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter, U.S. Army officials acknowledged Tuesday that they are weighing other alternatives.
Speaking at the Association of the United States Army annual meeting, Army officials would not comment on what aircraft they consider viable alternatives to the Bell helicopter.
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008
ARH costs stabilizing
Bell Helicopter on Monday said costs have stabilized on the $6.2 billion Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (ARH) program.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Decision Time for ARH
The Pentagon will soon complete its 60-day review of the Bell ARH-70 Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program to see whether it should be canceled.
Back in July, the Army reported to Congress that the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program had breached the 25 percent cost growth limit imposed by the Nunn-McCurdy statute.
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Friday, August 22, 2008
ARH work freeze
The Pentagon on Wednesday ordered Bell Helicopter to reduce work for three months on the U.S. Army's ARH-70 program.
The freeze came as the Pentagon decides whether to continue the program which is 43 percent over budget.
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Thursday, July 10, 2008
U.S. Army says may end Textron helicopter program
The U.S. Army has threatened to cancel the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter after costs soared more than 40 percent above initial estimates.
Bell Helicopter said in a statement that it is working hard to keep costs down and is confident of keeping the contract.
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Saturday, May 10, 2008
House panel slashes top Army programs
The U.S. House Armed Services Air and Land Forces subcommittee slashed $166 million from the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program.
This is more than twice the $75 million cut approved by Senate appropriators.
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Boeing, Army to ask for at least $350M for Longbow choppers
Due to delays in the Bell armed reconnaissance helicopter program, U.S. Army officials are seeking to upgrade AH-64A attack helicopters in four Army National Guard battalions to Lowbow standard.
Those 92 helicopters were supposed to be replaced with Bell’s armed reconnaissance helicopter rather than Longbows.
However the delay in the program meant that those Apaches will be around for another nine years.
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Friday, February 29, 2008
Recon helicopter to get Gatling gun
It has been decided that the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (ARH) will be armed with the GAU-19/A, a 185-pound, three-barrel Gatling gun.
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Saturday, December 15, 2007
Pentagon may try to scale back orders of Bell copter in '09
Pentagon officials are recommending that purchases of the Bell Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter in 2009 be reduced to 28.
The original plan had called for 64 helicopters in 2009.
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Saturday, November 03, 2007
US Army hopeful on Textron helicopter deal
Brig. Gen. Stephen Mundt, director of the U.S. Army aviation, voiced his satisfaction on efforts by Bell to deliver the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter within budget and on time.
Mundt also said that he hopes to see the USAF add money to keep the C-17 production line opened.
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
U.S. Army Seeks Multiyear Deals for 4 Programs
Claude Bolton, assistant U.S. Army secretary for acquisition, is hoping to get permission for multiyear deals for three helicopter programs.
The helicopters are the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter, Light Utility Helicopter and the Apache Block III.
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Cost of US Army's Bell ARH-70A Arapaho rises 50% due to design changes
Flight International reports that development and initial production costs of the Bell ARH-70A Arapaho have risen more than 50%.
The integration of FLIR Systems' BriteStar II targeting sensor with the Rockwell Collins CAAS common cockpit was a major source of the delays.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Bell's ARH-70 wins funding reprieve from US Senate
The U.S. Senate appropriations panel has approved funding for sixteen Bell ARH-70 helicopters.
The U.S. House of Representatives had earlier voted to cut funding for the troubled program.
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Friday, July 27, 2007
Bell Helicopter Says Proposed Cuts Wouldn't End ARH Program
The proposed budget cuts to the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program by the U.S. House Appropriations Committee won't kill the program, Bell says.
The committee on Wednesday cut production funding for the program but left some money to continue research and development.
Bell program manager Bob Ellithorpe said that even if the cuts go through, they don't rule out production in 2009 and beyond.
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
House Panel OKs DoD Budget, Cuts Big Army Program
The U.S. House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday gave more money to fund the F-35 program while cutting all production funding for the Army's Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter.
$200 million was given to improve production processes of the F-35 and $480 million to continue development of the F136 engine.
House Panel OKs DoD Budget, Cuts Big Army Program
F-35 to get support of key House panel
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
Bell moves ARH assembly here
Bell helicopters plan to move the final assembly of the ARH-70 armed reconnaissance helicopter, or ARH, to Fort Worth from Canada by 2009.
This will be the first time since the early '90s the company has assembled an all-new aircraft in its hometown.
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Bell Helicopter to keep US Army ARH program - Sen. Hutchison
U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison issued a statement on Friday saying the Bell will be keeping the ARH contract.
A spokesman for U.S. Army weapons buyers refused to comment.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Boeing makes new offer for ARH
Boeing is offering the U.S. Army its AH-6M to replace the troubled Bell ARH-70A. Boeing is confident that it can meet the original ARH key performance parameters, achieve the first unit equipped date of 2009 and produce the helicopters within the US Army's budget.
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Monday, May 14, 2007
Army General: Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter Project To Resume
Brig. Gen. Steven Mundt, U.S. Army aviation director, said he expects full development of the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (ARH) to resume as soon as this month.
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
ARH-70A Continues Development
The ARH Program recently completed two significant events in support of a Milestone C (Low Rate Initial Production) decision.
Recently completed events include a demonstration of the ARH digital battlefield capabilities to a representative from the Department of Defense.
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
Congressional committee recommends cutting Bell Helicopter contract
The U.S. House Armed Services Committee voted Wednesday to recommend ending the ARH-70 Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program.
The committee cut all of the $470 million for the ARH-70 helicopter from the 2008 defense budget.
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Thursday, April 19, 2007
Army Acquisition "System" Crushes Another Program
Defense analyst Loren Thompson on Tuesday criticized the U.S. Army for considering canceling the ARH program.
Thompson said the program ran into trouble largely because the Army ratcheted up requirements for the helicopter although it was initially intended to be a commercial "off the shelf" buy.
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Bell Wrapping Up Plan for Troubled Army Helicopter
Bell Helicopter said on Tuesday it is finalizing a plan for its Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program.
"We're preparing a brief on the program so they can understand why they shouldn't cancel it," said Bell spokesman Greg Hubbard.
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Friday, March 30, 2007
U.S. Army lifts 'stop work' order on Bell Helicopter program
The U.S. Army has lifted its stop-work order on Bell Helicopter's Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program, allowing Bell to resume work while the program is restructured.
Last week, the Army ordered Bell to stop work on the program while it develops a new plan to get back on track but Bell sought to continue work, at its own risk if necessary, to avoid further cost and schedule delays.
The company's request was granted on Thursday.
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Bill Redirects ARH Funds Toward UH-60s
Supplemental fiscal 2007 funds for two ARH-70 helicopters have been transferred to replace two UH-60 Black Hawks lost in combat.
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Bell Helicopter seeks to build Army helicopter at own risk
Bell Helicopter said Friday it will continue work on the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter, even though the U.S. Army has issued a 90-day stop-work order.
The Army this week ordered Bell to stop work and submit an improvement plan within 30 days after the program was plagued by schedule delays and cost overruns.
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Friday, March 23, 2007
US Army says Bell Helicopter to keep ARH contract for now
Bell Helicopter unit will keep its Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter contract for now the U.S. Army on Wednesday said.
The news comes after a high-level review this week. ARH has struggled to stay on schedule, and Bell has warned investors that it could lose money on the program.
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Officials review program after crash
Heres a picture of the ARH-70 wreckage at Mansfield's Walnut Creek golf course. The helicopter crashed during its maiden flight last Wednesday.
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
Bell officials studying helicopter crash
Bell and U.S. Army officials are trying to assess the impact of Wednesday’s crash of a prototype ARH-70 Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter.
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
Chopper crashes on Mansfield golf course
The fourth prototype of the U.S. Army's Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter lost its engine power 30 minutes into its maiden flight and crashed on a golf course at a suburban Fort Worth country club yesterday afternoon.
Both pilots were not injured and was able to walk away from the wreckage.
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Thursday, February 08, 2007
Bell's new Army copter falls behind schedule
Bell Helicopter's ARH-70 armed reconnaissance helicopter is nearly a year behind schedule, said Paul Bogosian, the Army's program executive officer.
Bogosian said it will be the summer of 2009 before the Army receives its first ARH-70.
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
U.S. Army delays mean no $14 million bonus for Bell Helicopter
Bell Helicopters said that it won't earn a $14 million bonus for the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program as it is running nearly a year behind schedule.
Bell is expected to deliver the first helicopter in 2008 but that has been pushed back to July 2009.
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
ARH-70A First Flight
The Bell ARH-70A made its first two flights Thursday Jul. 20. Bell test pilot Jim McCollough and Army pilot CW5 Alan Davis flew the flights.
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Bell’s ARH Begins Preparations for Flight
The new Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter is getting closer to its first flight with two recent developments.
The first System Design Demonstration (SDD) aircraft has moved from the factory floor to a flight hangar to begin functional checks. And on May 8 the SDD-B successfully accomplished its initial engine run.
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Friday, April 14, 2006
Army's ARH-70A Mission Equipment Package Prototype Surpasses 70 Flight Test Hours
Bell's ARH-70A Mission Equipment Package (MEP) risk reduction prototype aircraft has surpassed the 70 hour flight test mark.
The Bell 407 MEP allows Bell to mount ARH mission equipment in the aft cabin as well as the Target Acquisition Sensor System for in flight testing and component integration.
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Bell building $31 million facility at Alliance Airport
Bell Helicopter is building a $31 million, 204,000 square-foot hangar and office complex at Alliance Airport where final assembly of the U.S. Army's Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter is carried out.
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Monday, February 27, 2006
Bell’s 407 ARH Prepares for First Flight of Production Units
The U.S. Army's Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter's first flight is scheduled for this quarter with limited user testing beginning in August.
The first operational unit will be ready fourth quarter 2008.
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Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Honeywell Ships HTS900 Engine Installation Prototype To Bell for ARH and 407X
Honeywell has shipped the initial prototype HTS900 turboshaft engine to Bell Helicopter for the U.S. Army Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
ARH contract signing marks step forward in aviation
U.S. Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Richard Cody took the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter out for a test flight after a contract signing ceremony at Bell Helicopter Monday.
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Army begins Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter initiative with Aug. 29 ceremony
The U.S. Army and representatives of Bell Helicopter Textron will sign the contract for the Army’s new Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter on Aug. 29.
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Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Bell ARH (Quicktime Required)
Bell video showing the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter doing its stuff.
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Tuesday, August 02, 2005
ARH: Bell Says Award Is A Phased Process
Mike Cox, Bell's communications VP, explains why there are two versions of the the announcement concerning Bell's contract award from the U.S. Army on the ARH.
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
Boeing loses battle with Bell for Army helicopter order
Boeing spokesman Hal Klopper said "the Boeing team is disappointed" that is lost the ARH competition and "will review the decision over the next several weeks."
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
Textron's Bell Helicopter Awarded Army Contract to Build 368 Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters
Bell Helicopter has been awarded a $2.2 billion contract by the United States Army to build its next generation Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter, or ARH. The ARH will replace the Army's OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Helicopter. Bell's ARH is a militarized version of its highly successful 407 single engine light helicopter.
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
U.S. Army Probing Handling Of Documents In Helicopter ProgramsThe U.S. Army says it is investigating why contractors eyeing the Light Utility Helicopter and Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter competitions possessed documents they were not supposed to have.
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Army to decide soon on chopper dealThe U.S. Army on Tuesday said it would soon announce a decision in a competition between teams led by Textron's Bell Helicopter and Boeing Co. to build a new armed reconnaissance helicopter.
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Friday, July 01, 2005
Bell submits proposal for Army's ARH program (Registration Required)Bell Helicopter Textron has submitted its militarized version of the Bell 407 in response to a request for an armed reconnaissance helicopter from the U.S. Army.
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Bell Flies ARH Demonstrator; Provides program updates and plans aheadBell has built a flying demonstrator helicopter for the U.S. Army�s RFP for a new Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter .
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