Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Indian commodore investigated over Admiral Gorshkov deal
A Indian Navy senior officer is being investigated over improper dealings while overseeing the country's aircraft carrier project in Russia.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Saturday, March 13, 2010
India pays $2.33 billion for Admiral Gorshkov, signs 29 more MiG-29Ks
During his one-day visit to India, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh have agreed on the final price for aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov and more MiG-29Ks for the ship.
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Friday, March 05, 2010
Putin to sign aircraft carrier and MiG-29K contracts during visit to India
It has been reported that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will sign a contract for refitting aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov during his visit to India next week.
Another contract will be signed for extra MiG-29Ks.
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Wednesday, March 03, 2010
India's cabinet could soon decide on final price tag of Admiral Gorshkov
India's Defense Ministry has approached the Finance Ministry to clear the final price tag for aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
Once approved by the Finance Ministry, the case will go to the cabinet for approval.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Monday, February 01, 2010
India to induct MiG-29K on Feb. 19
The Indian Navy will formerly induct four MiG-29Ks into service on Feb. 19.
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Monday, January 18, 2010
Indian Navy waiting for govt approval on price negotiations for Adm. Gorshkov
With price negotiations for Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov completed, the Indian Navy is just waiting for the governments approval of the new price.
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India poised to buy another 29 more MiG-29Ks
India is expected to spend another $1.2 billion for 29 more MiG-29Ks. India had earlier purchased 16 MiG-29Ks for its next aircraft carrier.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Gorshkov final price is $2.3 billion
The cost of refitting aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov for the Indian Navy will amount to $2.3 billion.
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Monday, December 07, 2009
Deal for Admiral Gorshkov to be finalized soon
The end is finally in sight over the protracted deal to sell aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov to India.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Sunday, December 06, 2009
Four MiG-29Ks arrived in India
Four MiG-29Ks for the Indian Navy have arrived in India Dec. 4 where they will be assembled back into flying condition.
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Friday, November 27, 2009
Moscow and New Delhi making progress on Admiral Gorshkov
Indian Defense Minister AK Antony said there has been progress on talks over the final price of aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov but a deal is unlikely when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visits Russia next month.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Rosoboronexport optimistic that new deal with India for Admiral Gorshkov will be signed soon
An official from Rosoboronexport voiced optimism at the Dubai Air Show that Moscow and New Delhi will soon conclude the new over refit of aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
"The negotiations were uneasy but the Indian side treated with understanding the existing problems. They recognized the need to additionally finance the contract and in the near future this will be formalized," Mikhail Zavaliy said.
Meanwhile, a 40-member Russian delegation has arrived in India to try to bring a conclusion to the deal.
Russia, India agree to sign new deal on aircraft carrier overhaul
Russian team in India to negotiate Gorshkov price
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Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Price talks on Admiral Gorshkov to drag on
It is unlikely that talks between Moscow and New Delhi over the final price of aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov is likely to be completed when Indian Manmohan Singh visit Moscow next month.
"The negotiations with the Russians for the Gorshkov warship is continuing. I do not think the talks are likely to end before the prime minister's visit to Moscow next month," a defense ministry official said.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Admiral Gorshkov deal unlikely to be signed this week
India is unlikely to finalized a new deal over aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov when Defense Minister A.K. Antony visits Moscow this week.
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Saturday, October 10, 2009
India and Russia expected to finalized deal for aircraft carrier next week
India and Russia are likely to finalized a new deal for aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov when Defense Minister A K Antony visits next week.
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
MiG-29K and MiG-29KUB carried out trails on board Admiral Kuznetsov
MiG says four MiG-29K and MiG-29KUB fighters landed and took-off from aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov on Sept 28 and 29.
The fighters are ordered by India for its aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya.
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Friday, September 04, 2009
Russia, India to sign new deal on Admiral Gorshkov
Russia and India will sign an additional agreement in October on the overhaul of Admiral Gorshkov for India.
"An additional agreement will be signed," Sergei Chemezov, head of Rostekhnologii, told a news conference in Moscow.
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Monday, August 17, 2009
India pays Russia $122 million for work on Gorshkov
India has paid an installment of $122 million to Russia in order for work to continue on aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
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Friday, July 31, 2009
Indian Navy chief: "If you can get me a carrier for $2billion, I'll sign a cheque right now"
Chief of the Indian Navy, Adm. Sureesh Mehta, has defended the decision to buy Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov after criticisms from auditors.
The CAG had faulted the Navy for spending nearly $3 billion on the aircraft carrier and said a similar ship can be bought for a cheaper price.
Mehta countered that it would be impossible to get an aircraft carrier at cheaper rates.
Meanwhile, outing Russian ambassador to India blamed the Indian Navy's "increasing appetite" for better equipment for the price hike.
Navy chief defends Gorshkov purchase
'More upgrades will hike the Gorshkov's price'
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Saturday, July 25, 2009
INS Vikramaditya 60% more expensive than a new aircraft carrier
India's Comptroller and Audit General (CAG) has criticized the decision to buy ex-Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
CAG said the Indian Navy had bought a ship that is 60 percent more expensive than a new one and has half the lifespan.
The carrier also lacks a CIWS (Close-In Weapon System) that can defend the ship when it enters service.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Monday, July 20, 2009
Final price tag of Gorshkov to be close to $.2.9 billion
Authoritative sources in the Ministry of Defense told The Hindu that India would pay a final price of $2.9 billion for aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
The new figure is close to what the Russians had demanded. New Delhi had hope to keep the price at $2.2 billion.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Thursday, July 09, 2009
India to pay around $2.2 billion for carrier Admiral Gorshkov
India will pay a final price of $2.2 billion to retrofit aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
India had initially agreed to pay $1.5 billion in 2004 to retrofit the carrier and buy 16 MiG-29K fighters to be operated from the carrier.
But in 2007, Russia demanded another $1.2 billion, saying that it had "grossly under-estimated" the cost of the retrofit.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Friday, July 03, 2009
Medvedev unhappy with delays on Admiral Gorshkov
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday lashed out at shipbuilder Sevmash for delays in getting aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov ready for delivery to India.
Dmitry Medvedev said the Gorshkov project had become, in effect, the only issue in Russian-Indian relations.
"This is the first, very difficult experience. The ship must be finished," he said. "Otherwise there will be serious consequences."
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Friday, June 05, 2009
India and Russia inch closer towards deal for aircraft carrier
Indian officials say New Delhi and Moscow are close to finalizing the price for aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
India is likely to pay $2.2 billion instead of $2.9 billion demanded by Russia. The contract is expected to be reviewed by the Indian cabinet end of next month.
Meanwhile, India has given Russia another $102 million to ensure the carrier is not delayed beyond 2012.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Thursday, April 23, 2009
Admiral Gorshkov delivery to India in 2012: Russia
A Russian official say the Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier will be delivered to India in 2012.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Russians jacking up price for Admiral Gorshkov by another $700mil
The Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov will now cost the Indian government $2.9 billion as Moscow has demanded another $700 million for it.
The news have stunned the Indians as they were preparing to negotiate with Russia on a new price for the carrier.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Team from India in Moscow to negotiate price for aircraft carrier
A team of four Indian officials left for Russia on Monday to negotiate the final pricing for aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Team from India to negotiate carrier price
India has formed a team to travel to Moscow and negotiate the final price for Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
Another team will later follow up on the delivery date.
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Saturday, December 06, 2008
Admiral Gorshkov floats again
I can't read Russian but the picture says it all. Aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov is back floating in the water on the Indian Navy Day.

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Thursday, December 04, 2008
Green light given for renegotiation of price for Gorshkov
India's Cabinet Committee on Security cleared two major arms deal on Tuesday including the renegotiation of price for aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh gave in to Moscow’s demands and gave the go-ahead to the Defense Ministry to renegotiate the price for the carrier. This will allow the ship to start its trials by end of 2010.
The other deal involves the purchase of 80 Mi-17 helicopters for the Indian Air Force.
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Saturday, November 15, 2008
Pay $2 billion to get Admiral Gorshkov ready
A source in Russian Defense Ministry said that if India failed to extra funds to complete work on Admiral Gorshkov, the aircraft carrier could be given to the Russian Navy.
Sergei Novoselov, deputy general director of Sevmash, said an additional $2 billion is needed.
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Thursday, November 13, 2008
Gorshkov to be delivered only in 2012
India will not be getting its aircraft carrier from Russia until 2012. Work on Admiral Gorshkov at Sevmash shipyard will only be completed in 2010.
Another two years are needed to complete trails in the Barents Sea.
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Monday, November 10, 2008
India to setup mock carrier flight deck
To train its future MiG-29K and Naval LCA fighter pilots, India will setup a new shore-based training facility in Goa.
A ski-jump facing the sea is being constructed at INS Hansa and will be ready when the MiG-29Ks are delivered next year.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Monday, November 03, 2008
India rejects latest Gorshkov price demands
India's finance ministry has for the second time rejected a proposal for an additional $1.2 billion in funds to complete Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Admiral Gorshkov to float again
Aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov will float again next month at Sevmash shipyard.
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
Russian Defence Minister to visit India to negotiate deals
Russian Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov will be in India for a short visit and among the agenda is the price negotiation for aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
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Friday, September 19, 2008
More MiG-29K for India
The Indian Navy will be able to raise more fighter squadrons as the green light has been given to buy an additional 29 MiG-29K/KB fighters.
India bought 16 MiG 29 K/KUB as part of a deal for buying ex-Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov in 2004.
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Saturday, September 06, 2008
Russia to deliver Admiral Gorshkov after 2011
Rosoboronexport said Russia will deliver Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier to India after 2011.
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Saturday, July 05, 2008
India may have to pay $2b more for Gorshkov
India will have to pay an additional $2 billion to get Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov modified by 2012.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Thursday, June 19, 2008
Russia wants satisfactory end to Gorshkov price talks
Russian Ambassador to India Vyacheslav Trubnikov told reporters that Russia hopes to conclude price negotiations with India over INS Vikramaditya soon.
"The amount of work to be carried out in retrofitting the warship does not correspond to the price that was agreed upon," he said.
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Friday, June 13, 2008
With no Carrier for MiG29s, Navy to build a mock-up
India's Defense Research and Development Organization will start work soon to build a mock flight deck for the Navy's MiG-29K fighters.
The mock up will have three arrester cables but it has not been decided if a ski jump will be added as well.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Tuesday, June 03, 2008
No Carrier for India's New Carrier Aircraft
India's fleet of MiG-29K naval fighter jets will land at Naval Aviation Centre at INS Hansa in Goa while waiting for its aircraft carrier to be delivered.
The first MiG-29K, expected to arrive in India this month, will operate from a flight deck built to train naval aircrew at the naval air station.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Friday, May 23, 2008
India eyes U.S. F-18s for its Russian-built aircraft carrier
The Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet could be flying off India's next aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, Russian daily Izvestia said on Thursday.
Russian experts believe operating the Super Hornet from the ex-Russia carrier will be difficult.
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Thursday, May 22, 2008
Russia to deliver first 4 jets by September
India's first four MiG-29K carrier fighters will be delivered in September, Indian Navy pilots will report to Russia for training in June.
India bought the jets as part of a package to refurbish ex-Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
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Friday, May 16, 2008
Russia asked to give USD 250 mn advance for Gorshkov refit
Moscow has been asked by New Delhi to make an advance payment of $250 million to the Sevmash shipyard in order to continue the refurbishing of aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
"We have asked Russia to make an advance payment to the cash-crunched Sevmash shipyard, where Admiral Gorshkov is docked for refitting. The amount will be adjusted in the final amount (to be paid to Russia)," Defense Secretary Vijay Singh told IANS.
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Friday, March 21, 2008
Russia's MiG-29K fighter makes maiden flight
RSK MiG flight test a MiG-29K/KUB fighter in front of an Indian Navy delegation on Wednesday.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008
India will not renegotiate Gorshkov deal: Navy chief
Indian Navy Chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta said in Moscow on Friday that India will not renegotiate the Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier deal with Russia.
However he said India is willing to pay extra for work which was not listed in the original contract.
Mehta justified the cost escalation, saying it was due to replacement of unusable components, which were earlier presumed to be fit.
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Indian Navy chief to inspect MiG-29K assembly in Russia
The Indian Navy's chief of staff will inspect its MiG-29K Fulcrum-D fighters at a plant near Moscow today.
A Russian source said the agenda of the current visit also includes discussion of the controversial contract on modernization of the aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
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Thursday, March 06, 2008
Why India Talked Up a U.S. Carrier Deal
Well it seems that the Indians were spreading a rumor that USS Kitty Hawk will be given free to India in a bid to get a better deal on their negotiations with Russia over aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
But the stunt seems to have backfired as Moscow send out feelers to India about scrapping the deal entirely and keeping the Gorshkov in Russian hands.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Friday, February 29, 2008
India, Russia end spat over Soviet-era aircraft carrier
India is sending more than 100 trained personnel from its shipyard to the Sevmash shipyard to complete work in aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
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Thursday, February 28, 2008
India gives in to Russian demand on Gorshkov deal
India has offered to send in an army of workers to help complete aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov as it gives in to Russian demands for more money.
India will now pay almost an additional $1 billion over the agreed price of $1.5 billion and accept delivery of the ship after 2012.
India gives in to Russian demand on Gorshkov deal
Indian ‘army’ for Gorshkov
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Pentagon chief in India as fighter jet deal nears
U.S. defense officials are denying a story that USS Kitty Hawk will be given free to Indian in exchange for buying Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornets.
U.S. Navy spokesman in Washington, Lt. Col. Clay Doss added that any transfer of ships so huge requires congressional approval. The Navy, he added, hasn't sought such approval to transfer the Kitty Hawk to India.
Pentagon chief in India as fighter jet deal nears
Gates Butters Up India for U.S. Guns
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
Only few technical, financial issues pending on Gorshkov deal
India will receive 16 MiG-29K fighters that are meant for INS Vikramaditya by June of this year.
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Saturday, February 23, 2008
The Carrier Cold War
This rumor refuses to go off. Weekly Standard reports that U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates will soon deliver a signed letter to India from U.S. President George W. Bush offering aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk for free.
That is provided that the Indian Navy will agree to purchase 65 Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornets to be operated off the carrier.
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Aircraft Carrier May Go to Russian Navy
Kommersant has a shocking report that if negotiations between India and Russia over aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov fails, the ship will be transfered to the Russian Navy when completed.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Gorshkov deal: Russian PM may be carrying compromise formula
Russian Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov is likely to discuss a compromised deal with Indian officials over the delivery of aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya.
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Saturday, February 02, 2008
Govt ready to pay more for Gorshkov
The Indians have caved in to Russian demands for more money to complete decommissioned aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
Defense secretary Vijay Singh will lead a delegation to Moscow on Feb. 19 and seeks to pay only another $500-600 million to complete the job.
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
India, Russia yet to reach breakthrough on Gorshkov
Indian Defense Minister A K Antony said India and Russia are yet to achieve a breakthrough over the dispute on aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya.
"There has been no major breakthrough, though discussions are on," Antony said.
Antony added that Malaysia is interested in the Akash surface-to-air missile.
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Monday, January 07, 2008
Should U.S sell Kitty Hawk to India?
A new poll for the new year and definitely a controversial one. As we all know, India is having problems getting INS Vikramaditya into service on time. It has also started work on its own indigenous aircraft carrier. India has also recently acquired USS Trenton, a LPD, from United States. So now the question is, should United States offer USS Kitty Hawk to India as well after its retired?
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Sunday, December 09, 2007
Gorshkov deal: tightrope walk for Russia, India
Russia is threatening to walk out of the deal to refurbish INS Vikramaditya and return India its deposit of $400 million.
But the Indians think the Russians are calling a bluff as they will not give up the chance to supply India with fighter aircraft, helicopters and weapon systems that comes with the ship.
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Gorshkov deal at sea
Indian Navy Chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta wants the Russian to honor the deal for refurbishing aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov and that the government should neither pay more money to the Russians, nor pull out of the deal.
"It is a fixed price contract and they should honour it,” Admiral Mehta said, while ruling out pulling out of the deal. "The ship is our property. We have paid them almost $500 million already. There is no question of pulling out,” he said.
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Saturday, December 01, 2007
INS Viraat upgrade
The INS Viraat will undergo refit to keep it operating till 2010 when INS Vikramaditya arrives.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Procurement of aircraft for Indian Navy
The Indian Navy will received its first MiG-29K fighter by November 2008. The information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony.
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Friday, November 02, 2007
India demands answers on Gorshkov
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh could personally pressed Moscow for answers on the delivery of INS Vikramaditya when he visits Russia later this month.
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Sunday, October 28, 2007
Govt Tows Admiral Gorshkov
Russia could fund the rising cost of upgrading INS Vikramaditya from the sale of two submarines to Venezuela.
Russia's Industry and Energy Minister Viktor Khristenko mention this in a letter to Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov.
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
Aircraft carrier gives Sevmash headache
Company director of Sevmash shipyard complained that the construction of INS Vikramaditya has become three times more expensive than originally projected.
The job has also taken up valuable resources at the shipyard.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Acquisition of aircraft carrier
Indian Defense Minister Shri A K Antony has admitted that former Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov might be delivered later than expected.
Antony acknowledge in a letter to the lower house of parliament.
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Russia to deliver Gorshkov on schedule: Sibal
India's outgoing ambassador to Russia Kanwal Sibal disputed media reports that delivery of aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov will be delayed.
"Officially the Russian government has communicated to us in writing that Gorshkov will be delivered on schedule. If the situation were to change we would have been communicated in writing," Sibal said.
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Thursday, August 02, 2007
Shipbuilder Head Fired Over Delay
Rumors have been confirmed, India's next aircraft carrier the INS Vikramaditya has been delayed till 2011.
The general director of Sevmash shipyard, which is in charge of upgrading the ship, has been fired for the delay.
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Sunday, June 17, 2007
Antony admits to 'problems' in acquiring Gorshkov
Indian defence minister A K Antony on Saturday admitted to "problems" in India's acquisition of Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
"There are problems (with Gorshkov). We are trying to sort them out," said Antony.
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
Russia urged to ensure timely delivery of 'Gorshkov'
India has urged Russia to ensure the timely delivery of aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya.
Sources say the Defense Ministry is worried over reports that the modernization and refit of the aircraft carrier was not progressing as per schedule.
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
Russia wants to go euro with Indian defence deals
Vedomosti newspaper reported that Russian arms export organization Rosoboronexport has proposed to India to convert the previously signed arms contracts to euro.
Two major contracts affected are the licensed production of Su-30MKIs and Adm. Gorshkov aircraft carrier.
Related Articles
India, Russia to hold talks to renew arms deals
Sukhoi deal hits turbulence as Russia wants to hike price
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Monday, May 28, 2007
India, Russia to hold talks to renew arms deals
A high-level Russian defense delegation will arrive in India on Jun. 3 to discuss the contracts on Su-30MKI fighters and aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
There have been earlier reports that Russia wants to renegotiate its Su-30MKI fighter and Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier contracts with India due to the falling dollar and double digit inflation in Russia.
Related Article
Sukhoi deal hits turbulence as Russia wants to hike price
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Sukhoi deal hits turbulence as Russia wants to hike price
Russia wants to renegotiate its Su-30MKI and Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier contracts with India due to the falling dollar and double digit inflation in Russia.
Moscow has proposed to sell 40 more MKIs at the current cost escalation of 2.55 per cent per annum, it wants to hike that to a minimum of 5 per cent for the remaining 138 jets.
India will also have to pay more for Gorshkov to be delivered next year due to shortage of funds at the Sevmash shipyard and a gross underestimation of the cost of cabling of the ship.
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Wednesday, May 02, 2007
'Gorshkov will be part of Navy by 2008-end'
India's Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has refuted media reports that delivery of INS Vikramaditya has been delayed.
Mehta said the carrier is expected to arrive in Mumbai towards the end of 2008 or early 2009.
Related Article
Russian craft delivery to India delayed
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Friday, April 27, 2007
Russian craft delivery to India delayed
Delivery of INS Vikramaditya has been delayed until 2010 as the Russians have underestimated the amount of cables required.
It will also cost another $113 million to refit the carrier.
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
Refit of India's Russian aircraft carrier delayed
The refurbish of INS Vikramaditya is in trouble at Sevmashpredpriyatiye shipyard as serious faults have been uncovered in some parts of the structure.
Work has dropped behind schedule but India has received assurance from the shipyard that the carrier will be delivered as planned in 2008.
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Monday, December 04, 2006
Gorshkov to be inducted into Navy by 2008 end
INS Vikramaditya will be inducted into the Indian Navy at the end of 2008 along with its MiG-29 fighters.
For the Sea Harriers, they will be in service for another five years.
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Monday, June 19, 2006
Talks with Ivanov successful: Dutt
Indian Defence Secretary Shekhar Dutt is satisfied with the work being carried out on aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov at the Sevmash Naval Shipyard in Severodvinsk.
He said that Russia is scheduled to deliver the ship in the autumn of 2008 along with its MiG-29K fighters.
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Saturday, June 17, 2006
Navy chief to fly MIG-29 in Moscow
Indian Navy Chief Admiral Arun Prakash would fly a MiG-29 fighter similar to the MiG-29K in Moscow next week.
It will be the first time an Indian Navy chief fly a fighter in a foreign country. He is in Russia to inspect work on aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Navy chief will visit Russia to review defence projects
Indian Navy chief Admiral Arun Prakash will visit Severodvinsk shipyard in Russia next week to inspect the ongoing refurbishment of Admiral Gorshkov.
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
After Hawk AJTs for air force, will it be Goshawk for navy?
Boeing is hoping to sell its version of the Hawk to the Indian Navy as well. A high-level delegation was sent to India last week to formally offer the Goshawk together with the Super Hornet.
Last week, we reported that the British is keen to sell its Hawk AJT to the Indian Navy as well.
India currently has an agreement with the U.S. Navy to train 32 Indian pilots on the Goshawk for carrier takeoff-and-landing training at Pensacola, Florida. Indian requires a trainer for its aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya.
Related Article
Navy makes a crash correction with AJTs
For Gorshkov, Navy pilots head to US for training
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Friday, February 03, 2006
Navy still keen on early warning aircraft
The Indian Navy is keen to deploy the E-2C Hawkeye from shore-based airfields despite rejecting it earlier for deployment on Admiral Gorshkov.
Northrop Grumman has proposed to sell 10 Hawkeyes to India with a pair each based at Goa, Visakhapatnam, Kochi and Porbandar and two in reserve.
Related Articles
HAL to make components for Hawkeye aircraft
India rejects proposal for ship-based Hawkeye
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Russia meeting schedule on aircraft carrier for India
Work on aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov is going according to schedule and training of Indian maintenance staff has also began.
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
For Gorshkov, Navy pilots head to US for training
Four Indian pilots are currently training on the T-45 with the U.S. Navy in Pensacola, Florida.
This is to prepare them for the arrival of Admiral Gorshkov in 2008. A total of 32 pilots will be trained.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Friday, December 02, 2005
India's second aircraft carrier to arrive in 2008
Admiral Gorshkov will arrive in Mumbai in the first half of 2008. The carrier has undergone several modifications and has been fitted with some Indian equipment.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
MiG-29s for Admiral Gorshkov to start arriving this yearMiG-29 fighters, for the retrofitted aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov, will start arriving in India by the end of this year.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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US offers to train Indian Navy for Adm GorshkovThe U.S. has offered to train Indian naval pilots in complex carrier-based operations to ready them for operating from INS Vikramaditya � formerly Admiral Gorshkov.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
�MiG supply as part of Gorshkov deal on schedule�Alexey Fedrov, director-general of RAC MiG said that serial production of the MiG-29K for India has already commenced, the work is moving ahead strictly as per schedule.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
Yr after request, US firm to clear air on HawkeyeUS defence firm Northrop Grumman, which is looking to sell six E-2C Hawkeye 2000 airborne early warning aircraft to the Indian Navy, has been invited by Indian Naval Headquarters to clear concerns that the system may not be suitable for the Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier that India is in the process of acquiring as the carrier lack a catapult.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Saturday, February 05, 2005
India to get MiG-29 for Admiral Gorshkov from 2007
India would start receiving 16 MiG-29k fighters from Russia in 2007 for deployment on aircraft carrier "Admiral Gorshkov" undergoing refit.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Wednesday, December 01, 2004
'Adm Gorshkov' to hit city in 2008
The Russian-built 45,000-ton aircraft carrier 'Admiral Gorshkov' will be commissioned into the Indian Navy by end of 2007 and arrive in Mumbai in early 2008, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Naval Command, Madanjit Singh announced on Tuesday.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
MiG deal to figure in Ivanov�s talks with Pranab
India's purchase of 16 MiG-29K fighters from Russia as part of the Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier deal has run into rough weather.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Friday, November 05, 2004
Indian Navy to be a leaner force: Chief of Naval Staff
Indian Navy Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Prakash said work on refurbishing the Admiral Gorshkov, the 44,500-tonne Kiev-class Russian aircraft carrier India acquired, at Russia's Sevmash shipyard was "encouraging". Admiral Prakash said the Indian Navy also planned to buy between 15 and 20 MIG-29Ks for the 35,000-37,000 tonne Air Defence Ship being built locally.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Delay in advance payment could affect Mig deliveries to India
The delay by India in making advance payment to Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG could affect the deliveries of MiG-29K carrier-borne fighters for the "Admiral Gorshkov" aircraft carrier.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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Saturday, March 20, 2004
Indian Navy sails towards modernisation
'Admiral Gorshkov', the decommissioned Russian aircraft carrier is expected to join the Indian Navy in the next 50 months. A ski-jump would be added onto the flight deck to allow the Sea Harrier fighter jets from INS Viraat to operate onboard.
Labels: INS Vikramaditya
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