Bat UAS Successfully Demonstrates Communications Relay Payload During Multiple Flights
The former Killer Bee UAV, now known as Bat, has successfully demonstrated a communications relay payload for a government customer during multiple flights.
The flight demonstrations occurred Jun. 23-26, 2009 at Naval Air Facility El Centro, Calif.
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Northrop Grumman Announces Bat(tm) Line of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
Swift Engineering's KillerBee product line will now be known as the Northrop Grumman Bat unmanned air systems (UAS).
Swift Engineering will continue to work on design refinement, product line development, flight test support and manufacturing of the Bat.
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Raytheon KillerBee Demonstrates Capabilities in Simulated Combat Environment
Raytheon Company's KillerBee unmanned aircraft system demonstrated its interoperability, integration and functionality as an end-to-end UAS combat system.
During the demonstration, a Raytheon flight operations crew simulated a combat environment by delivering the KillerBee system to a remote location via Humvees. In less than 45 minutes, the crew set up the system and launched the UAS. The team then executed the operational scenario and safely retrieved the UAS with a unique net-recovery system.
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FARNBOROUGH 2008: UAV with a sting in its tail
Raytheon is showing its KillerBee UAV at Farnborough.
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Killer Bee UAV First Look: Raytheon Fights Boeing in Drone Race
It seems that Swift Engineering has teamed with Raytheon for its Killer Bee blended-wing aircraft.
Previously Swift had teamed with Northrup Grumman to offer the aircraft to the U.S. military.
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Northrop Grumman Communicates Over-the-Horizon Using Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Northrop Grumman Corporation , in conjunction with the Office of Naval Research, has successfully demonstrated the ability to extend communications range and capability using the Killer Bee, blended wing UAV.
During the demonstration, geographically-separated, mobile ground units were tasked to communicate with each other and also with a fixed, tactical command post.
The units successfully made contact with the command post after their signals were relayed mid-air through the Killer Bee.
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Northrop ends partnership on Killer Bee UAV project
Northrop Grumman has terminated its relationship with Swift Engineering to develop the Killer Bee unmanned air vehicle family.
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Northrop targets Killer Bee UAV at US forces
Northrop Grumman has demonstrated its pusher-propeller blended wing-body Killer Bee low-altitude, long-endurance unmanned air vehicle for the U.S. Air Force.
The Killer Bee has a payload of up to 13.5kg with a 24h endurance at 3,000ft and 60kt.
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