Wednesday, March 24, 2010
T-129 prototype crashed
A AgustaWestland T-129 prototype helicopter has crashed-landed during tests in Italy.
Two Italian pilots on board were injured but their condition is not life-threatening.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Turkey finally begins attack helicopter production
Turkey will begin production of the T-129 attack helicopter today with a ceremony held at Turkish Aerospace Industries' main production line today.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Monday, April 14, 2008
Turkey's four-star generals protest Turkish-US meeting
Seems that Washington decided not to sell 15 second-hand AH-1 attack helicopters to Turkey after the latter selected the T-129 helicopter from Italy.
The Americans were angry that Turkey's tough contract terms and conditions during the tender prevent their firms from competing.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Tuesday, April 01, 2008
US refuses engine production in Turkey for attack choppers
The United States has refused to grant an Italian request to transfer technology in the T800 engines for the Turkish T129 attack helicopter program.
Turkey signed a deal with Agusta Westland last September to co-produce 51 helicopters based on the A129 in Turkey.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Friday, October 05, 2007
Turkish-made computerized firing systems of ATAK copter is successful
Turkey has successfully developed and tested the computerized firing system that will be integrated into it T-129 attack helicopter.
The project called AR-GE-2004 was developed by the ASMATA consortium established by TUBITAK, MAM and TAI and supervised by ASELSAN.
It was tested on a AH-1S attack helicopter.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Attack helicopter contract to be signed by the end of the month
Turkish Undersecretariat of Defense Industry and Agusta Westland will sign a contract by end of the month to seal the deal for 50 T-129 Mangusta attack helicopters.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Turkey's helicopter gunship saga far from over
Military analysts say the Turkish military will complain about the slow delivery of Augusta's A129 gunship and call for the procurement of up to 20 U.S.-made attack helicopters in the short term as a stop-gap solution.
Turkey selected the A129 last month and the first aircraft is to be delivered in 2013.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Dirty tricks used in arms deal
Denel chief executive Shaun Liebenberg told members of South Africa's Parliament that Americans are playing dirty tricks in order to get back into Turkey's attack helicopter contest.
Denel's Rooivalk as well as Augusta Aerospace's Mangusta are shortlisted by Turkey and a decision is expected soon.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Friday, October 27, 2006
Turkey may opt for hybrid solution on helicopter gunship program
Turkey could end up buying both U.S. and non-U.S. attack helicopters amid a rift between the military and the procurement agency over which helicopter is better.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Turkish prime minister is hospitalized
The decision on which company will supply attack helicopters to Turkey has been put on hold after the Prime Minister was hospitalized.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan was to chair a Defense Executive Committee meeting to select between Augusta and Denel.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Helicopter contest may divide government, military
The Mangusta is currently the favorite to win Turkey's attack helicopter competition as its rival, Rooivalk, cannot get a guarantee from Eurocopter to supply engines and spares to start a production line in Turkey.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Saturday, July 01, 2006
Turkey Shortlists Firms for Helicopter
Its the Rooivalk and Mangusta in the final stretch of competition to be the next Turkish attack helicopter.
Tukey on Friday said that it will continue talks with Denel of South Africa and Agusta Aerospace of Italy for the co-production of 30 helicopters with an option for 20 more.
Related Articles
1 tender, 3 different preferences
Italian company eager for partnership, sweetens bid with full technology transfer
SA keen to sell attack helicopters to Turkey
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
U.S. role as top Turkish arms supplier jeopardized
The lack of a U.S. bidder for Turkey's attack helicopter competition is signaling problems between the U.S.-Turkey military relationship.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Saturday, June 17, 2006
1 tender, 3 different preferences
Three groups in the committee set up to select Turkey's next attack helicopter have different preferences.
The Defense Industry Undersecretariat prefers the Rooivalk, the government wants to buy the Mangusta for political reasons and the Army wish to have the Tiger.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Monday, June 12, 2006
Italian company eager for partnership, sweetens bid with full technology transfer
AgustaWestland is willing to grant production license of its Mangusta A129 to Turkey in a bid to secure a win for Turkey's attack helicopter contract.
Giuseppe Orsi, CEO of Italy's AgustaWestland, said the license will allow Turkey to export its own attack helicopters in future.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Friday, June 02, 2006
SA keen to sell attack helicopters to Turkey
South Africa has offered to transfer military technology in any program they are involved in with Turkey in a bid to secure the contract to sell the Rooivalk attack helicopter.
Denel Aviation claims that it has no difficulty in Turkish requirements for the domestic manufacturing of 40 to 50% of the weapons.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Turkey edges closer to decision on attack helicopter competition
Turkey will finally decided its choice of attack helicopter at a meeting on Jun. 27.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Denel 'looking good' for R12bn deal
Denel is confident that Turkey will place an order for its Rooivalk attack helicopter. The South African company is expecting an answer by July.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Rooivalk helicopter. WILL TURKEY TAKE THE CHOPPER?
A technical evaluation team from Turkey is in South Africa to evaluate the Rooivalk attack helicopter.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
SSM once again puts off attack helicopter deadline
Turkey has push back the deadline for purchase and co-production of attack helicopters from Nov. 8 to Dec. 5.
The requirement for a local designed mission computer has put off the U.S. manufacturers and Turkey is worried that non-U.S. suppliers will jack up the prices.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Monday, July 11, 2005
Russia to offer new attack helicopter version at Turkish tenderKamov Helicopters and Rosoboronexport will offer a new version of the Ka-50 Black Shark attack helicopter, adapted to Turkish requirements, at an upcoming helicopter tender in Turkey.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Turkey re-launches troubled helicopter competitionTurkey's defense procurement office on Feb. 10 released a long-delayed request for a proposal for its attack helicopter program. Six foreign contractors have already obtained the tender document.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Turkey to re-open tender for attack helicopters next month
Turkey is set to launch a new tender to buy 50 attack helicopters for its army in February.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov will discuss with his Turkish counterpart Vecdi Gonul on the production for a direct support attack helicopter for Turkey.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Turkey to Reopen Attack Helicopter Tender
The American defense magazine, Defense News, reports that Turkey will reopen a previously canceled tender for attack helicopters and that prominent companies from the US, western Europe and Russia will compete in the bidding.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
Turkey cancels three multi-billion-dollar defence tenders
Turkey has called off tenders for the purchase of 145 attack helicopters and joint production of nine unmanned aircraft in Turkey.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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Thursday, April 22, 2004
Turkey cannot decide on an award for a $2 billion attack helicopter coproduction project. The competition for the Turkish project has pitted Bell Textron and its AH-1Z King Cobra against an Israeli-Russian consortium, which has offered the Ka-50-2.
Labels: Turkey Attack Helicopter
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