Satellite spots four Russian military helicopters in Latakia, Syria

A U.S. official said the latest satellite imagery had captured two Russian Mi-24 and two Mi-17 helicopters on the tarmac of Bassel al-Assad International Airport, in Latakia, Syria.

Russian Air Force Mil Mi-24P Dvurekov-4
By Igor Dvurekov ( [GFDL 1.2, GFDL 1.2 or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
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Pentagon weapons tester slams F-35B’s shipboard operational testing trial

The F-35B carried out its first and only shipboard operational testing trial aboard USS Wasp from May 18-25. The Pentagon’s top weapons tester later said the test was so flawed that it “did not — and could not — demonstrate that the … F-35B is operationally effective or suitable for use in any type of limited combat operation.”

US Navy 111003-N-ZZ999-005 An F-35B Lightning II makes the first vertical landing on a flight deck at sea aboard the amphibious assault ship USS W
By U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Seaman Natasha R. Chalk [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
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