Spatial disorientation behind F-16 crash by civilian employee; investigation found he wasn’t properly qualified

The U.S. Air Force concluded that a civilian employee working under the 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron had spatial disorientation and crashed his F-16 into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico on Nov. 6, 2014. The pilot was killed in the crash.

USAF F-16FightingFalcon
By (United States Air Force) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
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Alenia Aermacchi’s road map for M-345, M-346

Alenia Aermacchi has laid out its plan for the M-345 and M-346 jet trainers. The company will start tests of the new M-345 HET, which is powered by a new Williams FJ-44-4M-34 turbofan, next year.

M346 - RIAT 2009 (3834484695)
By Tim Felce (Airwolfhound) (M346 – RIAT 2009Uploaded by russavia) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
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