MQM-107 tried to dodge Patriot by flying low, but was shot down eventually

During a test of the U.S. Army’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense System (AIAMD) on Nov. 12 at White Sands Missile Range, a MQM 107 drone simulating as a cruise missile tried to avoid detection from the Patriot air defense system by flying below its radar coverage.

PAC-3 Interception
By MDA (Cpmposed from) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

But the trick wasn’t successful and the target drone was shot down by a PAC-3 interceptor after a firing solution was generated by the AIAMD using composite track data from multiple radars.

One of the two Sentinel radars connected to the Integrated Fire Control Network (IFCN) relayed the position of the target to the Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Battle Command System (IBCS). The IBCS then commanded a remote Patriot PAC-3 launcher to engage the drone through the IFCN.
