B-52 virtual reality procedures trainer

A team from the 307th Bomb Wing has partnered with King Crow Studios of Louisiana to come up with a virtual reality procedures trainer for the B-52 bomber.

So instead of having the student step into a simulator or the real aircraft to go thru the entire ground procedures checklist, the trainee can now bring the trainer, which consists of virtual reality goggles, a computer and two hand controls, anywhere to practice.

One of the team members, Maj. Brandon Wolf, says current technology used in student pilot training limits hands-on training opportunities as students don’t have 24-hour access to instructors or training tools. The new trainer will elimiate that bottleneck.

“It would be accessible to them all the time, so they can take it home and practice,” said Wolf. “They become familiar with it, and we won’t get that deer-in-headlights moment when they first get in the simulator or B-52.”

The program also has the capacity to collect data on student performance with time stamps that show speed and errors, this allows the instructors to catch poor habits in the early phases of training.

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