Future MQ-9B customers can now choose between PT6 or TPE331 engines

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) has successfully integrated the Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6 E-Series turboprop engine on the MQ-9B.

Photo: GA-ASI

“Integrating their PT6 E-Series engine onto our MQ-9B SkyGuardian® aircraft offers an alternate option for future customers that includes a 33 percent increase in power, dual channel electronic propeller and engine control system, as well as all the benefits of the PT6 engine family,” said GA-ASI President David R. Alexander.

The MQ-9B is currently powered by the Honeywell TPE331 but the PT6 is a more popular engine that can be found on the PC-7, PC-21, King Air and T-6 II.

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