Japan has started to take delivery of the SM-3 Block 2A interceptor

In a significant development, the United States Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has delivered the highly advanced SM-3 Block 2A interceptor to Japan. This collaborative effort between the two nations marks a significant milestone in bolstering their defense alliances and enhancing regional security. The delivery took place in March, and it is set to reinforce Japan’s capabilities to counter evolving ballistic missile threats.

ミサイル駆逐艦から発射されるSM-3 Block IIA
US Navy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Japan’s Aegis ships, operated by the Maritime Self-Defense Force, will be equipped with the advanced SM-3 Block 2A intercept missiles. The deployment of SM-3 Block 2A missiles on Japan’s Aegis ships will take place in a sequential manner. As per the plans, the Maya and Atago-class ships, based in Yokosuka (Kanagawa Prefecture), Maizuru (Kyoto Prefecture), and Sasebo (Nagasaki Prefecture), will be among the first to receive these advanced intercept missiles.

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