South Korea donates first batch of 500MD helicopters for U.N. Peacekeeping in Kenya

In a significant move towards bolstering international peacekeeping efforts, South Korea has donated six retired 500MD helicopters to be utilized for U.N. peacekeeping missions in Kenya. The helicopters, part of a larger commitment of 16, were recently shipped from the southeastern port of Busan to the United States, where they will undergo necessary repairs and maintenance before reaching their final destination.

The South Korean Ministry of Defense confirmed the strategic donation, emphasizing the government’s dedication to global peace and security. The 500MD helicopters, previously used by the South Korean Army as light attack helicopters, are poised to play a vital role in U.N. peacekeeping operations in Kenya.

Kenya is expected to deploy these helicopters for U.N. peacekeeping missions following consultations with the international organization. The helicopters will contribute to maintaining peace and stability in the region, addressing various challenges that may arise.

This shipment marks the first installment of South Korea’s commitment made during the U.N. peacekeeping forum hosted by Seoul in 2021. The government plans to closely collaborate with the United States and the United Nations to ensure the swift and successful donation of the remaining 10 helicopters. This expanded contribution aims to strengthen global peace and security, particularly within the framework of U.N. peacekeeping operations.

The 500MD helicopters are known for their versatility and effectiveness in various operational contexts. By providing these helicopters to Kenya, South Korea underscores its commitment to supporting nations in need and actively participating in international efforts to address conflicts and humanitarian crises.

The South Korean Ministry of Defense stated in a release, “The government will closely cooperate with the U.S. and U.N. to complete the donation of the remaining 10 helicopters and expand contribution to the global peace and security, including the U.N. peacekeeping operations.”

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