Britain and U.S. carried out air strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen

In a joint operation, the United States, United Kingdom, with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands launched strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen on Jan. 11, marking a significant escalation in response to the group’s ongoing attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea.

The strikes, authorized by U.S. President Biden, targeted facilities linked to Houthi military activities, including a military base near Sanaa airport, a naval base in Hodeidah, and sites in other key regions. According to a statement from the President, the operation was a direct response to “unprecedented Houthi attacks against international maritime vessels” that have threatened freedom of navigation, endangered crews, and disrupted global trade.

The President’s statement cited 27 separate attacks on commercial ships by the Houthis since November 2023, including the use of an anti-ship ballistic missile – a first in maritime history. These attacks, President Biden emphasized, have impacted more than 50 nations and led to the diversion of over 2,000 ships, causing significant economic disruptions.

The operation follows months of international pressure on the Houthis to cease their attacks. In December, the United States launched Operation Prosperity Guardian, a multinational coalition dedicated to securing the Red Sea. Additionally, the UN Security Council passed a resolution demanding the Houthis stop targeting commercial vessels. This action marks a pivotal moment in the Yemeni conflict, with the Coalition poised to ensure unfettered navigation in the Red Sea.

While the full extent of the strikes’ impact remains unclear, they represent a significant shift in the conflict and are likely to draw a strong response from the Houthis. The coming days will see how the situation unfolds and whether these strikes succeed in deterring further attacks on maritime traffic in the crucial Red Sea. However, one thing is clear: the Coalition has delivered a resolute message that the Red Sea, a vital maritime superhighway, will not be subjected to the whims of rogue actors.

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