Finnish Border Guard selects Sierra Nevada Corporation to deliver Challenger 650-Based Multirole Aircraft

The Finnish Border Guard has announced Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) as the prime contractor for its MVX program, tasked with delivering two new multirole surveillance aircraft.

Image: Finnish Border Guard

The program aims to replace the existing fleet of Dornier 228 aircraft, which have served the Border Guard faithfully since 1995. However, these turboprop planes are nearing the end of their service life and increasingly difficult to maintain. Additionally, the evolving security landscape in the Baltic region demands more advanced capabilities from Finland’s aerial surveillance platform.

The Finnish Border Guard launched a comprehensive bidding process in 2020 to identify a solution that could effectively address their changing requirements. The competition attracted interest from various contenders, but SNC’s proposal ultimately stood out. Evaluators highlighted SNC’s proven track record in delivering complex aircraft modifications and integrating advanced mission systems. This experience, coupled with the well-regarded performance and reliability of the Bombardier Challenger 650 business jet platform, convinced the Border Guard that SNC offered the most compelling solution.

The two Challenger 650 aircraft selected for the MVX program will undergo significant modifications at SNC’s facilities before being delivered to Finland. These modifications are designed to transform the business jets into highly specialized surveillance platforms capable of operating effectively in the demanding Nordic environment. Upgraded sensor suites will provide superior detection and identification capabilities, allowing the Border Guard to monitor vast stretches of coastline and airspace with greater precision. Additionally, the integration of real-time data transfer systems will ensure that critical information reaches decision-makers quickly, enabling a more swift and coordinated response to developing situations.

The new Challenger 650-based aircraft are expected to offer a significant leap forward in performance compared to the Dornier 228s. Here’s a breakdown of some key improvements:

  • Increased Operating Time and Range: The Challenger 650 boasts a longer range and higher cruising speed than the Dornier 228. This translates to expanded patrol areas and the ability to remain airborne for extended periods, improving overall coverage and mission effectiveness.
  • Enhanced Sensor Capability: The upgraded sensor suite will include advanced radar, electro-optical systems, and electronic intelligence gathering equipment. This comprehensive suite will enable the Border Guard to detect and identify objects of interest at greater distances and in all weather conditions.
  • Increased Transport Capacity: While primarily focused on surveillance missions, the Challenger 650 offers more cabin space and payload capacity compared to the Dornier 228. This additional capacity can be used to transport personnel or equipment for specific missions, enhancing operational flexibility.
  • Modern Technology Integration: The new aircraft will be equipped with state-of-the-art avionics and communication systems. This will allow for seamless integration with existing Finnish Border Guard infrastructure and ensure secure and reliable communication during critical operations.

The Finnish government allocated $175 million for the MVX program, underlining the strategic importance of these new aircraft for the nation’s security. The enhanced capabilities provided by the Challenger 650 platform will strengthen Finland’s ability to:

  • Secure its extensive borders: The vast Finnish coastline and territorial waters present a significant challenge for border patrol. The new aircraft will significantly improve the Border Guard’s ability to detect and intercept illegal activity, deterring smuggling and protecting Finland’s territorial integrity.
  • Conduct Search and Rescue Operations: The new aircraft’s increased range and advanced sensors will be invaluable for search and rescue (SAR) missions in the often-harsh Baltic Sea environment.
  • Faster response times and improved detection capabilities will significantly increase the chances of a successful outcome in SAR situations.
  • Monitor Environmental Threats: The upgraded sensor suite will be equipped to detect and monitor environmental pollution events at sea. This will enable the Border Guard to take swift action to mitigate environmental damage and protect sensitive ecosystems.
  • Support Other Authorities: The MVX program incorporates provisions for integrating systems used by other Finnish authorities, such as the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health for patient transport and the Finnish Defense Forces for joint operations. This multi-agency collaboration will further enhance Finland’s overall security posture.

The project itself is named “MVX,” a continuation of the Border Guard’s sequential aircraft registration system. The current Dornier fleet carries the designations MVN and MVO. The new Challenger 650-based aircraft are expected to be operational by 2026-2027, receiving registrations OH-MVX and OH-MVY

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