South Korea to begin mass production of laser weapon system

South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) announced on Jul. 11 on plans for mass production and deployment of Hanwa’s laser air defense weapon system Block-I variant.

The Block-I system represents the first official deployment of a laser weapon by the South Korean military. This novel system utilizes high-powered lasers generated through fiber optics to neutralize targets. Video footage shows the system destroying quad copter drones and fixed-wing unmanned aircraft.

Designed specifically to counter small drones, it offers a precise and potentially cost-effective solution against this growing threat posed by North Korea. Furthermore, the system boasts a remarkably low cost per shot, estimated at around $1.50.

The Block-I deployment represents the initial phase of the Korean Star Wars project. As this project progresses, South Korea might develop even more powerful laser weapons capable of engaging larger targets or ballistic missiles in the future.

Posted in UAV