Indonesia plans fighter jet deployment to El Tari Airport

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) is planning to establish a new fighter jet base at El Tari Airport in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. The move aims to bolster Indonesia’s air defense capabilities in the southern region, particularly along its border with Timor Leste and Australia.

El tari airport
Yogwi21, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Air Operation II Commander, Air Marshal Budhi Achmadi, confirmed the long-term plan, emphasizing the strategic importance of the location. The deployment of fighter jets to El Tari Airport will reinforce the existing 226 Buraen Radar Unit, which serves as Indonesia’s primary surveillance asset for the region.

Kupang’s El Tari Airbase Commander, Air Commodore Djoko Hadipurwanto, expressed the airbase’s readiness to accommodate fighter jets, highlighting its strategic location and existing infrastructure. The deployment of fighter jets to El Tari Airport is expected to enhance Indonesia’s ability to protect its airspace and respond to potential threats.

The Indonesian Air Force’s decision to station fighter jets in Kupang reflects the growing importance of the region in the country’s overall defense strategy.

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