U.S. AFSOC demonstrates Highway landing capability with AC-130J

U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) made history by successfully landing an AC-130J Ghostrider gunship on Highway 63 in Bono, Arkansas. This unprecedented feat, conducted as part of the Emerald Warrior Field Training Exercise II, showcased AFSOC’s commitment to Agile Combat Employment (ACE) and its ability to operate in austere environments.

A 189th Airlift Wing C-130H cargo plane lands on Arkansas Highway 63 as part of a humanitarian training mission in conjunction with the multinational exercise Operation Emerald Warrior at Bono, Arkansas, Aug. 4, 2024. Eight pilots participated in a training exercise to hone their skills for landing on a non-traditional runway, a first for the Arkansas National Guard. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by SrA Emily Crawford)

“Emerald Warrior FTX II demonstrates to our adversaries that we can meet them anytime, any place, anywhere, without the need for traditional runways to project air power,” said Col. Patrick Dierig, 1st Special Operations Wing commander. “By landing an AC-130J on a highway and conducting FARP operations, we’re proving our ability to operate in austere and unique environments. It shows our commitment to maintain operational flexibility and readiness, ensuring we can deliver decisive airpower whenever and wherever it’s needed.”

The landing, refueling, and rearming of the AC-130J on a public highway underscored AFSOC’s ability to rapidly deploy and sustain airpower without relying on traditional airfields. The exercise involved coordinated efforts from multiple units, including the establishment of a forward arming and refueling point (FARP) by C-146A Wolfhound and MC-130J Commando II aircraft.

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