Taiwan investigates Mirage-2000 crash, grounds fleet

A Taiwanese Mirage-2000 fighter crashed into the sea off Hsinchu on the night of Sept. 10. Initial investigations indicate engine thrust loss as the likely cause. The Repulic of China Air Force has launched a comprehensive probe into the incident.

Air Force Chief Inspector Maj. Gen. Yu Te-chung announced the preliminary findings on Wednesday. Experts are examining all factors, including mechanical failure, human error, and environmental conditions.

The crash occurred at 8:30 p.m. during a training operation. In response, the Air Force has grounded all Mirage-2000 fighters pending investigation results.

Captain Hsieh Pei-hsun, the pilot, was rescued by Coast Guard personnel at 10:39 p.m. He was taken to a Taichung hospital for treatment. Doctors report he is in good condition and expected to fully recover.

Search and rescue teams are working to locate the aircraft. Maj. Gen. Yu stated they are still collecting evidence before compiling a full report.

Air Force Chief-of-Staff Lt. Gen. Wang Te-yang addressed concerns about air defense capabilities. He assured the public that the grounding of Mirage-2000s would not significantly impact overall defense readiness. The service will brief the public once the investigation is complete.

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