Patriot air defense missile unit damaged in Ukraine by Russian attack

A recent missile barrage by Russia targeted a US-made Patriot air defense system in Kyiv, causing damage to the system. The extent of the damage is currently being evaluated, raising concerns about Ukraine’s defense capabilities against escalating Russian missile attacks, CNN reports.

The sun rises over a 10th AAMDC Patriot missile launcher in Slovakia on July 27. Bravo Battery, 5-7 Air Defense Artillery is preparing for crew qualification tables and NATO readiness evaluations in the coming weeks while deployed to Slovakia providing increased air defense capacity and capability along NATO’s Eastern flank. (U.S. Army photo by 2nd Lt. Emily Park)

The Patriot air defense system appears to have sustained damage but remains intact. The severity of the damage will determine whether the system needs complete withdrawal or can be repaired on-site by Ukrainian forces.

Ukraine currently relies on two Patriot air defense systems, with one donated by the US and the other jointly contributed by Germany and the Netherlands. While it is unclear which system was potentially damaged, even a temporary loss could weaken Ukraine’s ability to defend Kyiv against Russian missile threats.

Earlier attempts by Russia to target the Patriot systems were unsuccessful, thanks to successful interceptions by the Ukrainian military. The troops received extensive training, enabling them to effectively operate and maintain the Patriots.

Depending on the damage inflicted, Ukraine may need to temporarily take the Patriot system offline and possibly send it abroad for extensive repairs. The stationary nature of the Patriots makes them susceptible to enemy detection over time.

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