Ukraine to receive Saab 340 AEW&C aircraft from Sweden

Sweden has unveiled its most substantial military support package for Ukraine to date, a SEK 13.3 billion ($1.3 billion USD) contribution aimed at bolstering the nation’s air defense capabilities and fulfilling other critical needs.

Saab 340 Argus VBY
Bene Riobó, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The centerpiece of the package is the donation of Airborne Surveillance and Control (ASC 890) aircraft, also known as the Saab 340 AEW&C. These advanced platforms will provide Ukraine with a newfound capability to identify and engage aerial and maritime threats at extended ranges. The package encompasses comprehensive support, including training for Ukrainian personnel, technical equipment, and logistical aid for establishing air surveillance and command & control systems.

Sweden acknowledges a potential temporary reduction in its own air defense capacity due to this donation. However, they plan to mitigate this by procuring additional GlobalEye airborne early warning aircraft and accelerating the delivery of an existing order two GlobalEyes. To further bolster Ukraine’s air defense network, the package includes Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs) adapted for ground-based and aircraft deployment. Sweden will also acquire new missiles to replace those donated.

The package tackles another critical Ukrainian need: artillery ammunition. A significant quantity of 155mm artillery shells will be provided to counter Russian forces and alleviate ammunition shortages faced by Ukrainian field units. Similar to the air defense situation, Sweden acknowledges a temporary dip in its own ammunition stocks and plans to replenish them through procurement.

In a move to support the formation of new Ukrainian brigades, Sweden will donate its entire inventory of PBV 302 armored personnel carriers. This includes spare parts, maintenance equipment, and ammunition. While this donation will temporarily reduce Sweden’s own armored vehicle capabilities, they intend to address the gap through further acquisitions.

The 16th military support package also includes several additional elements to bolster Ukraine’s military capabilities. Sweden will donate surplus fuel transport vehicles from their own armed forces to aid in logistical operations. They will also provide maintenance and support for previously donated Swedish equipment currently deployed in Ukraine. Additionally, Sweden will contribute financially to capability coalitions and initiatives that facilitate the expedited procurement of materiel for Ukraine. Furthermore, the Swedish Defence Research Agency will be tasked with assisting Ukraine in establishing its own defense research institute. Finally, the package includes terminals with satellite communication subscriptions to strengthen Ukrainian command and control capabilities.

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