The PLAN’s luxury ocean liner, ’88’ crew support ship, has arrived in Dalian and is now berth in front of Varyag.
Author: alert5
YouTube: Air Force One for Israel?
Taiwan lawmaker says Washington will announce F-16 upgrades soon
A Taiwanese lawmaker says Washington will soon announce that it will help Taiwan to upgrade its current F-16A/B fleet.
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Japan may move CVW-5’s carrier landing practice to Mage Island
Tokyo has told local leaders in Nishinoomote, Kagoshima Prefecture, that it plans to move U.S. aircraft carrier landing practice from Iwoto Island to Mage Island.
Still no F-35’s at Eglin AFB
Lockheed Martin should have delivered two F-35s, AF-8 and AF-9, to Eglin Air Force Base by end of June, however the fighter have yet to arrive.
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