An aircrew from VX-30 delivered the third and final Lockheed S-3B Viking aircraft to undergo specialized depot-level restoration at Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) back to the squadron May 30.
Author: alert5
Father, son fly together in RAF Hawk
Sqn Ldr David Withington, Executive Officer with the RAF’s 100 Squadron, had the opportunity to fly with his son in a Hawk while both are serving in the squadron.
French Navy chief: Britain, France should have training carrier
Head of the French Navy, Admiral Pierre-Francois Forissier, suggested that both Britain and France share a training aircraft carrier so that both sides need not have two aircraft carriers each.
Cockpit footage of Apache strikes in Libya
Thunderbirds set to kick off 2011 European tour in Turkey
The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds are now in Turkey to kick off their 2011 European tour and to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Turkish air force.