Air Marshal NaK Browne will take over the Indian Air Force from Air Chief Marshal PV Naik on July 31.
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Author: alert5
F-22 upgrade is over budget and behind schedule
The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee was told by Air Force procurement chief David Van Buren that the Increment 3.2 upgrade for the F-22 is over budget and behind schedule.
Japan may drop F-35 from race
Kyodo agency reported on Friday that Tokyo might drop the F-35 from its F-X fighter competition.
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Carter: Pentagon “can’t afford” to pay for F-35
Ashton Carter, the under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Pentagon cannot afford to pay for the F-35 under present estimates.
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Taiwan’s aboriginals unhappy over new F-16 paint scheme
A Taiwanese opposition aboriginal lawmaker has criticized the RoCAF for painting the Amis totem on some of its F-16s without having a proper ceremony.
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