A group of residents living near a RAAF airbase has taken the Australian government to court in order to stop the F-35 from being inducted into RAAF service.
Continue reading “Australian class action suit against F-35”
Author: alert5
BAE gets urgent contract to fit HMCS to RAF Tornados
BAE Systems has been given a £8m contract to start immediate work on integrating a Helmet Mounted Cueing System (HMCS) for RAF Tornados.
B-1B tests multiple ejector rack
PAF’s No 26 Squadron inducts JF-17
Pakistan Air Force’s No 26 Squadron has exchanged its A-5 for the new JF-17 fighter.
RoCAF completes road runway exercise
This morning, six fighters for the Republic of China Air Force took part in a road runway exercise on a section of Sun Yat-sen Freeway in Taiwan’s Tainan City.
Continue reading “RoCAF completes road runway exercise”