The U.S. Air Force is scheduled to fly one of its Global Hawk UAV over the troubled Fukushima nuclear plant today to gather data on its crippled reactors.
Author: alert5
USAF combat controllers help reopen Sendai airport
A team of combat controllers from the 320th Special Tactics Squadron, out of Kadena Air Base, Japan, along with Japanese officials help reopened the devastated Sendai airport on Mar. 16.
GAO to HASC, F-35 needs ‘unprecedented’ amounts of funding
The U.S. Government Accountability Office reported at a House Armed Services Committee subcommittee yesterday that the F-35 program will require “unprecedented demands for funding” to survive.
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Last active B-1 gets Sniper pod
The last active B-1 bomber has received the necessary modifications for the installation of the Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod.
X-51 WaveRider to go Mach 6 ride on Mar. 22
The U.S. Air Force announced that its second X-51 WaveRider will be tested on Mar. 22 at the Point Mugu Naval Air Warfare Center Sea Range.
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