Helibras has signed a contract for a major upgrade program on the Brazilian Army’s fleet of 36 AS350 Ecureuils. This modernization includes the rebuilding of three of these aircraft.
Author: alert5
Saudi official comments on F-15SA for 1st time
Saudi Arabia’s Assistant Minister of Defense and Aviation for Military Affairs, confirmed that talks are underway with the United States for new F-15 fighters.
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Designer of Patriot missile dies
Zdzislaw Starostecki, who lead the team that design the Patriot missile, has passed away at the age of 91 in Florida.
DNI says progress of DF-21D was underestimated, unsure of J-20
VADM David J. “Jack” Dorsett, director of Naval Intelligence, admitted that the U.S. military had underestimated the speed China could field a anti-ship ballistic missile system.
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Largest U.S. Navy contingent at Virtual Flag
The U.S. Navy sent its largest contingent to a Virtual Flag exercise with the recently concluded VF 11-1.
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