Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of EADS, Hans-Peter Ring, says his company is confident that it will sell up to 500 A400Ms.
Author: alert5
RMAF requests six more PC-7 Mk II
Malaysia’s Air Force chief Gen Tan Sri Rodzali Daud said his service has requested money to buy six more Pilatus PC-7 Mk II trainers.
For Sale: HMS Invincible
The British government has decided to put aircraft carrier HMS Invincible for sale on its website.
NATO rebuffs Russia offer to have single missile defense system
NATO leaders were lukewarm to an offer from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to create a single missile defense system for NATO and Russia.
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HMS Ark Royal farewell parade on Jan. 22
A final send off for HMS Ark Royal and her crew will be held in Portsmouth on Jan. 22.