A report by the U.N. Security Council alleges that North Korea exported banned nuclear and ballistic missile technology to Iran, Syria and Myanmar.
Author: alert5
Iran says it will test indigenous S-300 soon
A Iranian general said Tehran will soon test an indigenous long-range anti-aircraft missile system similar to the Russian S-300.
China’s missiles could close down USAF bases in South Korea, Japan
Excerpts from the draft of the 2010 annual report by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission says China’s ballistic missiles could knock out five out of six U.S. air bases in South Korea and Japan.
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LM peddling new F-16s to Indonesia
Lockheed Martin is trying to get Indonesia interested in six new F-16 Block 50/52 fighters.
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6 aircraft added to Chinese Aviation Museum
The China Aviation Museum has six vintage aircraft added to its collection recently.
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