A U.S. presidential commission tasked with looking for ways to cut the federal deficit has recommended that the Pentagon cancel the F-35B and cut the Air Force and Navy’s F-35 buy by half.
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Author: alert5
F-16I crashed
The crew of an Israeli Air Force F-16I are missing when their plane went down on Wednesday night.
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Hongdu L-7 basic trainer assembled in Zhuhai
The Hongdu L-7 basic trainer has arrived in Zhuhai for its first appearance and engineers are busy assembling the aircraft on the tarmac. Hit the source for 18 pictures.
Black Sheep Squadron marks double anniversary
VMA-214 “Black Sheep” celebrated the squadron’s 68th anniversary and the 100th anniversary of naval aviation on Tuesday.
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F-35’s arrival at Eglin delayed
The first two F-35s that are supposed to be deployed to Eglin Air Force Base this month will now go to Edwards instead.
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