Boeing revealed that Jordan is interested in acquiring 18 to 24 AH-6 light attack helicopters.
Author: alert5
Photo link: PLAAF August 1st J-10 official photos
The PLAAF has released new images of its August 1st aerobatics teams flying the J-10 in new colors.
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Missile Defense Agency Selects Raytheon to Provide New Missile Defense Radar
The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has awarded Raytheon a $190 million fixed price incentive fee contract to construct, integrate and test a new Army/Navy Transportable Radar Surveillance (AN/TPY-2) radar. The AN/TPY-2 is the most capable and reliable radar currently deployed to defend against the ballistic missile threat.
F-15C with 2 MiG-21 kills goes to Museum of Aviation
A F-15C that shot down 2 Iraqi MiG-21s during Operation Desert Storm will be going to the Museum of Aviation on Friday.
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AH-64D Apache Block III enters LRIP
The U.S. Army has given Boeing a $247 million contract to begin Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) for the AH-64D Apache Block III helicopter.
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