Russian deputy defense minister Vladimir Popovkin said at the Euronaval 2010 exhibition that a tender for the purchase of amphibious assault ships for the Russian Navy has started.
Author: alert5
Mongolians arrive to train Afghan Airman
Mongolian Airmen arrived at Kabul International Airport, recently, to help NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan train Afghan Airman. The Mongolians can connect to the Afghans on certain levels such as language and culture that U.S. troops and other coalition troops cannot.
50 U.S. ICBMs went offline on Saturday
On Saturday, fifty nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming went offline temporarily.
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MBDA prepared for the first test firing of SCALP Naval in its submarine configuration
During September 2010, a high depth ignition test of SCALP Naval’s booster was organised by MBDA. The underwater test, which set the booster in operation for several seconds, was carried out at a significant depth in a Norwegian fjord using an instrumented model of a SCALP Naval rear section secured in a submerged structure.
Raytheon-Boeing Team Completes JAGM Launcher, Missiles Flight Testing on Super Hornet
Raytheon and Boeing have completed flight testing of the Joint Air-to-Ground Missile’s fixed-wing launcher and Instrumented Measurement Vehicle on the Boeing F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet fighter aircraft.