The U.S. Navy awarded Lockheed Martin a $119 million contract to demonstrate its conceptual designs for the Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) intended to upgrade the U.S. Navy’s future capability against advanced anti-ship and ballistic missile threats.
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Author: alert5
Colombia lost second Kfir
The Columbian Air Force lost its second Kfir fighter last week during a training exercise. The jet was a twin-seater.
Germany to install DIRCM on VIP jets
Germany plans to spend $146 million to install anti-missile countermeasure systems on VIP jets operated by the Luftwaffe.
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USAF ramping up training of JTACs from allied nations
More than half of the students attending the JTAC course at the USAFE school in Germany are not from the United States. This is part of an effort to provide allied nations supporting the war in Afghanistan with their own JTACs.
IAF wants 200-250 PAK-FAs
Chief of the Indian Air Force told reporters during the press conference for Air Force Day celebrations that his service intents to induct 200-250 fifth-generation fighters being develop with Russia.