Saab has received an order for a single Saab 2000 AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning & Control) system from an unidentified customer.
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Author: alert5
Japan interested in buying three Global Hawks
The Japanese defense ministry is interested in buying three Global Hawk UAVs. Officials hope to have funds allocated in its Mid-Term Defense Program for fiscal 2011-2015.
Malaysia to retreive stolen F-5 engines from Uruguay
Malaysia will soon send officials to Uruguay to retrieve two stolen F-5 engines that were shipped there.
Refueling hose from C-130 falls on house in San Diego
A U.S. Marine Corps C-130 dropped one of its refueling hose over a house in San Diego on Saturday. Hit the source for a picture of the scene.
Canadian C-130Js to fly into Afghanistan soon
After months of delays, Canada’s new C-130Js will soon be flying into Afghanistan by end of the year.