The 71st Fighter Squadron at Langley Air Force Base, Va. officially inactivated during a ceremony on base, Sept. 30.
Author: alert5
Symantec researcher sees Israeli hand behind Stuxnet
A Symantec researcher says Israel is the likely source of the Stuxnet worm that is wrecking havoc in Iran’s nuclear problem.
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F-35 flight tests suspended for software fix
All variants of the F-35 have been grounded after laboratory testing revealed a serious flaw in the software controlling the jet’s three fuel boost pumps.
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S-3 Vikings to boost Taiwan’s ASW capabilities?
A commentary by a doctoral candidate with the S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) suggest Taiwan look into acquiring the retired S-3 Viking to find in gaps in its anti-submarine warfare capabilities.
Idea for Joint Franco-British nuclear submarine patrol resurfaces
An idea for Britain and France to share their nuclear deterrent patrols using submarines has been revived.
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