Lockheed Martin has delivered three prototype Joint and Allied Threat Awareness System (JATAS) Technology systems to the U.S. Navy for testing.
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Author: alert5
RNZAF delayed C-130 program back on track
The Royal New Zealand Air Force’s delayed C-130 upgrade program is back on track with the government and L3 reaching an agreement.
USN needs amendment for 124 Super Hornets
An urgent amendment is need for the 2010 Defense Authorization Act in order for the U.S. Navy to purchase 124 Super Hornets in a multi-year deal.
USAF withdrawals from Iraq
The EC-130H Compass Call and E-8C JSTARS have flown their last missions over Iraq and are pulling out of the country.
Hsiung Feng IIE to be deployed by end of the year
A Taiwanese lawmaker told AFP that the secretive Hsiung Feng IIE cruise missile will be deployed in limited numbers by end of the year.
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