The U.S. Army wants to put about 20 kilograms of payload into space and it has conceived a nanomissile to do that.
Author: alert5
Beast of Kandahar back in Afghanistan
David A. Fulghum reports that the stealthy RQ-170 is back or coming back in Afghanistan.
YouTube: F-15SG does combat turn and vertical spiral climb
LTC Kelvin Khong pulls his F-15SG into a combat turn followed by a vertical spiral climb.
RAF to shink to WW1 size
The Royal Air Force will shrink to its smallest size not seen since World War One due to budget cuts.
Hezbollah chief claims intercepted UAV video helped set up ambush
The leader Hezbollah said video transmissions intercepted from an Israeli UAV allowed his forces to set up an ambush on Israeli commandos in 1997.