Boeing has unveiled the hydrogen-powered Phantom Eye unmanned airborne system, a demonstrator that will stay aloft at 65,000 feet for up to four days. Continue reading “Boeing Unveils Unmanned Phantom Eye Demonstrator”
Author: alert5
Taranis UCAV unveiled
M346 is winner of Singapore’s AJT contest
Jane’s has secured confirmation from the Singapore Ministry of Defense that the M346 Master has been selected as the air force’s next advanced jet trainer.
Final MC-12 deployed to USCENTCOM AOR
The 30th MC-12 Liberty was recently deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility completing the initial deployment plan, an Air Force official announced Jul. 9.
F-35 testing exceeds planned requirements
Flight testing of the F-35 is progressing better than expected with 146 flights this year compared with the 128 planned. Continue reading “F-35 testing exceeds planned requirements”