Red Bull air race pilot Matt Hall credits his years of experience flying fighter jets, including stints in Iraq flying the F-15E, with helping him from crashing his plane into the Detroit River last Saturday.
Author: alert5
120FW achieves IOC with F-15
The Montana Air Guard’s 120th Fighter Wing is now operational capable with the F-15.
Anatolian Falcon 2010/2 starts in Turkey
The UAE, Italy, Spain, NATO and United States have send aircraft to Turkey for exercise Anatolian Falcon 2010/2 at the Third Air Base in Konya.
U.S. military uses uses social networking skills to hunt insurgents
Young U.S. Air Force analysts are using skills honed from social networking to fight America’s wars.
Amnesty International releases photos of American cruise missile attack in Yemen
Amnesty International has released images showing remanents of a U.S. Tomahawk cruise missile that was used to attack an alleged al-Qa’ida training camp in Yemen last year. Continue reading “Amnesty International releases photos of American cruise missile attack in Yemen”