Steve Trimble reports that Boeing is willing to navalize the Phantom Ray for the U.S. Navy’s unmanned carrier launched airborne surveillance and strike system contest. Continue reading “Boeing unwilling to navalize Phantom Ray”
Author: alert5
Eurofighter consortium offers 24 Italian aircraft at the same price as F-16s
Eurofighter consortium is willing to offer Romania 24 Tranche 1 aircraft from Italy at the same price the country is willing to pay for used F-16s. Continue reading “Eurofighter consortium offers 24 Italian aircraft at the same price as F-16s”
Former Russian AF chief: Current air defense can shot down only 20% of intruders
Anatoly Kornukov, former chief of the Russia Air Force, said the country’s current air defense system can only shot down 20% of intruding aircraft. Continue reading “Former Russian AF chief: Current air defense can shot down only 20% of intruders”
Dutch F-16s to end training with 178th FW
Netherlands will move its F-16 training from Ohio to Arizona, ending a five-year stay the 178th Fighter Wing at Springfield-Beckley Airport.
Retiring NORAD chief concern with country’s aging fighter and radar system
Retiring NORAD and U.S. Northern Command commander, Gen. Gene Renuart, said he is worried over America’s aging radar system and jet fighter fleet.