Jordan has signed a letter of intent with Boeing for AH-6i light attack and reconnaissance helicopters.
Author: alert5
U.S. Navy takes over NLOS R&D
Funding for the research and development of the Non-Line of Sight Launch System has been transferred from the U.S. Army to the Navy. Continue reading “U.S. Navy takes over NLOS R&D”
PLANAF to get J-11s
The English-language mouthpiece of the Chinese government has reported a Jane’s story that the People’s Liberation Army Navy Air Force (PLANAF) is getting single and twin-seat J-11 fighters.
Russia: Moscow needed “no advice from across the ocean” about the sale of the S-300
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow needed “no advice from across the ocean” about the sale of the S-300 to Iran. Continue reading “Russia: Moscow needed “no advice from across the ocean” about the sale of the S-300″
Singapore Air Force chief receives honorary pilot wings from RBAF
Singapore’s chief of Air Force, BG Ng Chee Meng, was presented the Royal Brunei Air Force Honorary Pilot Wing recently during an official visit to the country.