Australia will finally purchase a Counter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) system to protect its troops in Afghanistan. Continue reading “Australia getting C-RAM for its troops in Afghanistan”
Author: alert5
Harvest Hawk to test weapons this month
The USMC’s Harvest Hawk KC-130J is expected to test its Hellfire and Standoff Precision Guided Munition system this month in California.
Pakistan test-fired two ballistic missiles
Pakistan successfully test-fired two nuclear-capable ballistic missiles on Saturday. Continue reading “Pakistan test-fired two ballistic missiles”
New U.S. Air Force Combat Systems Officer Course opens at Navy base
U.S. Air Force aviator training took a step into the 21st century May 5, when the inaugural class of Combat Systems Officer students began training at NAS Pensacola with the 479th Flying Training Group.
Times are better for U.S. Navy helo pilots
Prospects for U.S Navy helicopter pilots have improved over the years. This article explains why.