The Chinese government announced it had carried out a land-based missile interception test and the objectives of the test were achieved.
Aviation News
The Chinese government announced it had carried out a land-based missile interception test and the objectives of the test were achieved.
Raytheon’s new Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) for the DDG 51 Flight III destroyers has cleared both the Preliminary Design Review and the Integrated Baseline Review.
Continue reading “AMDR clears two reviews”
Ukrainian rebel leader Alexander Khodakovsky told Reuters that pro-Russian separatists did possess the Buk air defense system.
Continue reading “Reuters: Ukrainian rebel leader confirmed separatists had Buk”
Northrop Grumman has been awarded a $12 million contract to upgrade the Ship Self-Defense System Mark 2 (SSDS MK2) on board U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and amphibious ships.
Continue reading “Northrop Grumman to modernize Ship Self-Defense System Mark 2”
The Royal Thai Air Force has agreed to a proposal from Aeronautical Radio of Thailand (Aerothai) to open up restricted military airspace at certain times for commercial flights.