Instead of 9.9 billion yen for each of the first four Japanese F-35, Tokyo has agreed to a new price of 10.2 billion yen per plane.
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Category: Air Force
Sweden offered to loan Gripens to Switzerland
Swiss Defense Minister Ueli Maurer said on Friday after meeting his Swedish counterpart that Sweden has offered to loan Switzerland a squadron of second-hand Gripen C/Ds until its new Gripens arrived.
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U.S. intelligence says Turkish F-4 was inside Syrian airspace when shot down
Wall Street Journal reported that the Turkish F-4 shot down by Syria was inside its airspace and was hit by anti-aircraft guns.
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Only boots and helmets of Turkish F-4 pilots found
Search teams trying to locate the pilots of the Turkish F-4 shot down by Syria have found only their boots and helmets.
Russian Air Force to retire An-26
New Russia Air Force chief Maj. Gen. Victor Bondarev revealed during a press conference that the An-26 light transport will be phase out in the next few years.