A military drill in western Russia went awry when a Ka-52 attack helicopter fired a rocket on two vehicles, injuring spectators in the process.
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Aviation News
A military drill in western Russia went awry when a Ka-52 attack helicopter fired a rocket on two vehicles, injuring spectators in the process.
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South Korean news network JTBC reported on Sept. 18 that 14 CH-47Ds sold by the United States to South Korea in 2014 are so outdated that the military has decided to not to upgrade them.
By UNC – CFC – USFK (Flickr: 080301-F-2207D-425) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
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The U.S. Embassy in Manila announced on Sept. 11 that the MQ-1C Gray Eagle has been deployed to Mindanao “in support of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) counterterrorism efforts.”
By US Army [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
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