Twin brothers flew Apache flight together in Afghanistan

Chief Warrant Officer 4 Isaac Smith and Chief Warrant Officer 4 Stewart Smith are two identical twins serving as helicopter pilots in the U.S. military.

Picture 5: Chief Warrant Officer 4 Isaac Smith (left) and Chief Warrant Officer 4 Stewart Smith (right) pose in 2003 next to an APH-64 Apache helicopter. (Courtesy photo by CW4 Isaac and Stewart Smith)

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The CH-53 helicopter has been a potent member of the U.S. Marine Corps aviation community’s fleet for over 40 years, but the newest version takes the platform to a whole new level.
The CH-53K has undergone extensive developmental testing that utilized the degraded visual environment (DVE) test course at U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) for more than two years, most recently to verify software updates in the flight control software that have been made as a result of this testing.

Photo: DVIDS