The Chinese has launched a new effort to recover a AVG “Flying Tigers” P-40 that crashed into Lake Dianchi in 1942.
Aviation News
The Chinese has launched a new effort to recover a AVG “Flying Tigers” P-40 that crashed into Lake Dianchi in 1942.
The newly declassified CIA papers on the U-2 revealed that British pilots flew the spy plane into the Soviet Union.
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Newly released CIA documents have officially acknowledge the existence of Area 51. The information is listed in declassified CIA reports on the U-2 released by the National Security Archive.
George “Bud” Day, Medal of Honor winner, has passed away. He was shot down on Aug. 26, 1967, during a mission in Vietnam. Despite being captured, he managed to escape before being captured again.
Medal of Honor winner Thomas Hudner has to abandon his trip to Chosin Reservoir, North Korea to search for the remains of his wingman Jess Brown.
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