German and Italian officials warned U.S. lawmakers that ties will be hurt if funding for the Medium Extended Air and Missile Defense System (MEADS) is cut.
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Category: Industry
Russia and Israel negotiating to jointly build UAV
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Wednesday that Russia and Israel are negotiating to build a UAV together.
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Thales unveils mobile air defence gun system
Thales is unveiling its RAPIDFire mobile air defence gun system at Eurosatory12. RAPIDFire combines the CONTROLMaster 60 surveillance radar with the CONTROLView command and control module. These are integrated with the multi-sensor stabilised optronic sighting system and the CT40 gun from CTAI.
Ordnance Technologies suing Raytheon over Lancer Multi-Effects Warhead System
Ordnance Technologies, a company based in California, has accused Raytheon for stealing trade secrets involving the Lancer Multi-Effects Warhead System.
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Lockheed Martin tests Miniature Hit-to-Kill interceptor for C-RAM solution
Lockheed Martin on May 26 carried out a Controlled Test Vehicle flight test of its Miniature Hit-to-Kill (MHTK) interceptor that is part of its Extended Area Protection and Survivability Integrated Demonstration (EAPS ID) program.
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